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Ditë ndërkombëtare e fëmijëve bashkë me fëmijët e qendrës së zhvillimit

I consider myself lucky to have studied in this school and I would like to thank all the founders and teachers that helped me to reach where I am today.”

Μαρία Ντίνη,



Thomas Mucos


Universiteti i Selanikut

I consider myself lucky to have studied in this school and I would like to thank all the founders and teachers that helped me to reach where I am today.”

I consider myself lucky to have studied in this school and I would like to thank all the founders and teachers that helped me to reach where I am today.”

Klaudio Shena.jpg

Klaudio Shena,

Shkenca Ekonomike në profil Finance, Banke dhe Kontabilitet, Tiranë

©2018 by Kolegji "Fryme Dashurie"- Κολλέγιο "Πνοή Αγάπης". 

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